Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Prepared Mind ...

Let me start with my favorite quote from the book "How to think like Einstein",
"In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind"

Only when you are looking for something, will there be a chance of getting it or chance of getting an idea to accomplish whatever you wish to. The ancient genius Archimedes took baths all his life, and each time he entered the bath, the water rose. But only when he was looking for a way to measure the volume of the king's crown did he recognize the rising water as a brilliant volume-measuring solution. So just keep in touch with all your goals and recall them everyday. Prepare and program your mind everyday and there can be a day when you get that brilliant idea from the most ordinary thing.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Philanthropist Speaks: "Lessons of Life"

Last night, I was watching this video.A talk by Sudha Murthy at UC Berkeley.At start I thought that I'll watch it only for 15 minutes, but then I continued and finished the video.Skip the intro.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Perseverance is the ability..........

"Perseverance allows you to get back on track when you hit a detour."

Many people search for the one secret that will propel them forward. Some look for these secrets within countless articles, or speak to people who have made it big in a chosen field. What people are looking for is the one secret that they can duplicate so that, in some cases, they can avoid the work. Others will continuously search for this vital secret so that they can make it to the end of the rainbow, to have what they've always wanted, or to create a life where they have more control rather than letting others guide them down an unrewarding path. So, what can be learned by researching; what secret is there that will assist you in capturing your desires and making them real?

For those who actually researched leaders, the inventors, the financially successful, there is one secret found within them all. Don't be disappointed. The secret is perseverance.
Perseverance is the ability to keep going in the face of continuous challenges.
It is the ability to disregard distractions and to stay focused.
For every success, there are tons of failures.

To those who know the secret, these failures served to help them identify ways that failed knowing full well that they would find the right way to succeed. Knowing the secret kept these people excited because it is with this secret engrained within their souls that they could defeat all those who gave up when met with obstacles, all those who use failure as a rationale to quit, and all those who think that success comes before work.

So, what does failure have to do with attaining success? It teaches you that you may have to take detours to get to your end goal. But, as long as you persevere and realize that the detour is simply another alternative path in the direction of your goal, you will continue to move forward. Those who see a detour as a reason to quit, lack perseverance. You will always face challenges as you work towards your goals. To think there will be no obstacles is to think that a long lost millionaire relative will leave you a fortune. It takes effort and belief to persevere and stay dedicated to accomplish your goal. When you find yourself doubting whether the effort is worth it, visualize how you will feel and what you will have once your goal is completed. Perseverance means that you will not be satisfied until you attain what you want. It means that no matter how many people tell you you're foolish to even try, your inner strength will readily discount their negative speak.

Within each person there is a spark; a spark that only you can ignite. Your spark will allow you to see a future that is more rewarding, which leads you to setting a goal, which leads you to take action where perseverance is your secret weapon. Now that you know the secret, what will your life be like in the future?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dare to Dream...

Dream!!Such a wonderful thing.This is a platform on which we build our life.All successful people were great dreamers first.I am a great dreamer too.The way things worked for me was first dream,then claim, n then achieve.I dont think everyone would agree with me on this.
When I was a kid, I used to dream about 'when I grow up then'..etc,etc.Now I have grown up, and now I dream about 'when I get old'.Yes, when I get old,I don't wanna have any regrets about my life.Things like 'I could have done a lot', 'I should have done', 'Now its too late'...
Look at this quote:
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did.So throw off the bowliness.Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore.Dream"

Right from my childhood, I was always flying in my dreams.A few days ago, I got the interpretation from some website.The article said that flying in dreams was a symbol of powerful thoughts.Atleast I am convinced now, that I am thinking strongly to make my dreamz come true.Working towards my dreams is such a wonderful journey.

Everyone of us can first start with a dream.Dreams are so close to our saga of success, its only that we are standing in between them. 'Dare to dream, and care to achieve it'.